Contact us!


Contact information


U-H Rakennus Oy
Aku Korhosen tie 4
00440 Helsinki
Tel. +358 20 741 5560

Our e-mail addresses are in format


Mikko Keskinen, CEO
Tel. +358 40 721 5792

Pasi Hirvonen, Procurement manager
Tel. +358 40 768 5861

Invoicing, payroll administration

Anne Ripatti
Tel. +358 44 558 9986

Salla Tähti-Palander
Tel. +358 45 7750 0685


Invoicing information

Please attach the approved hour lists, installment approvals, or approved measurement cards, as well as any other documents to the invoice. The invoice must also clearly state the project’s name, the purchase order number, and the name of the person who ordered the work (site manager). Invoices for any additional work must indicate that it is additional work and any identifying information of the additional work.

We are a company that sells construction services. Therefore the VAT reverse charge is applied when invoicing us for construction services. Invoice must include the grounds for the buyer’s VAT liability – e.g., ”Reverse charge, § 8 d of the Value Added Tax Act”. In addition to normally required invoice entries, reverse charge invoices must also show the buyer’s VAT number.
Please invoice the construction service covered by the reverse charge VAT and the goods and services sold at the regular VAT rates on a project-by-project basis with separate invoices.

Invoicing details


E-invoicing address (EDI/OVT) code: 003709326402
Intermediary’s code: E204503
Intermediary: OpusCapita Solutions Oy

Paper invoices:

U-H Rakennus Oy
PL 91728
01051 Laskut